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tv   Fox 45 Morning News  FOX  February 15, 2013 6:00am-9:00am EST

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3 3 passengers aboard the carniial "triumph" get on & their knees... and kiss he grruud... as they step ontt dry landdfor the first timme why many say... thhy're not & upset aboot being sttanded at sea for ádays.á 3 joel ad-liis 3 3&psingle laddis naas ann get rradyyto be near the &pphone... your channe to wwn
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tickkts to sse beyonce... is &phappening sometime this hour. 3 3 3 ffiday, february 33 15th &p3 3 3 3 -3 3 3
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balttmooe 3 residents pay a painfully hhgh property ttx... but is itt eeough? the mayor now wants to charge a fee for trash ick-uu. jjel d. smiih is live in canton with &preeccton to tte idea, and to eexlainnwhaa the mayorrhopes - 3 ggod morning uys.... &pmost 3 people look at this anddjust think trash... now the mayorr
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is asking ... howwmuch is thiss worth? the ayor 3 week during hee tate offthe - cityyaadress . it's a &pproposal thht s stunning mann cityyresidents, bbt might be coming nonetheless..- nonethelees. up until nnw, trash like this has been picked up by the city as part of the serviies prrvided by and fixxng pot holes. but now - tte mayoo says the proposed fee for thh weekly serrice & coold actuallyyhelp residents. the ee cculd be charged to those not curreenly payinn profits. anddthht savings wouud be used to lower the city's propprty taa rate,, which ii thh highest in the region. she can't say now how much the fee would be..she says details of tte plan are coming soon. resiients we spoke with don't think those specifics will 3 3 (ms. brennan/rrsiddnn) "and what happens if you eiihbors don'' paa the feee are you going toosit in their garbbgg reeressive tax, that'' basically a property taxx i 3 outrageous."herr's more reaction from facebook..... ed ssys "soossuuid! yet who voted for these idiots?? -&pphis
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is what you get!!" 3 some other arras do pay a separate fee for trash, as well as propertyytaxes... the mayor did say yeeterday.. that she'll have more etails on ow the plan will work.. next week. baltimore 3 police have identified the &ppfficer who shot a olice &ptraanee in the heaa tuesday. &p3 wiiliam s. kern was -3 assigned as an instructor ii -3&pthe ducationnand trainingg sectioo hen hh fired his service weapon during a training sessionneaalier this peek. the traineee & remains n the hospital. 3 veteran has been suspended tte acaddmyy experts 3 pysttmatic problem wwttin he baltimore pooiceedepartment. 3 systemiccproobem... 1:35:08 pcertinaly in baatimore city training has never been a priority downtownnthey were sharing a building i think with health renovated middle pchholbutt bite1:35:44 the
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paccluty in which balt city not iinicate a serioussees of agentt tyrone -3 former f-b-i chang :54 -3:55traanggng so that needs to - been houssd wwuld not whicc balt ciiy policeehas 1:35:44 the faaillty in which bblt pity policc as been housed 3 needs to chaag :544--3 :54 formme f-b-i -& agent, tyrone powwes - expects....sweepinggchanges & wiil result in how city officers are trained... following the investigation - 3 an ohio teen is arrested at his high school for trying to sell sugar packetssassa practical joke. 3 sayy his ssn is auttstic and phaa the school went oo faa with their zero-tooeraace substanceeabuse policy. the sscool called pollce after the teen as found stuffinggsuuar heegot from the school's caafteria into a straw wrapper. the teen's father says is son & meanttit aa a joke nd with his autismmhe doesn't underssand the seriousness of & his actions. 3 he's thheweather kid... who's makinn a nameefor himself around the coontry. special 9-year-old .."-butt
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tt-"tell us a little bit abut yourrelf partner.""- partner."meet 9-year-oldd wiiliam haalman... regular puest orecaster... for a nortt dakota t-v station.he'ss thh local seesation... wwo -3 became a huge hit thanks to thousand viiws.and it's alll -3 because of his vibrant personality. "what happened is i actually wanted to be a doctor until -3 maa 1, 2011 when this tornaad thiiking about weatherrand -3 thee my intelligeece level -3 just skyrocketed."-butt to-"i will get along super well. all rokerrtells a ttn of okes nd p'm a funny guy too. " "at his school ... william was named at his schhoo ... william was named student of theeweek.and he admits he got a lot moreevallntines this & year haa usual. 3 today is the bii 3& day!our weedinggin a week couple... ricc and arthur...
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will say "i do" live on our show. show..egaa gilllland is t greyyrock mansion in 3 preparations are unddrway. 3
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3 coming upp.. ,3 hundreds oo peeple aree injured... after a meteorite causss a maasive explosion. we'll tell you where it happened. 3& love on top nats nats 3 plus beyonce is comiig t the -3 veriion center this summer... and e want to gett ou inside the shoo for free.your channe to win tickets... ii happeningg sometime thhs're waaching fox 45 morniig
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3 newss. all llcal.. all morring. & 3& ((bump out))
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3 3 the b-more 3 healthyyeepo rrturns to baltiioree.. ssturday, februaay caa get heelth screenings... see 3 stages of áliveá eetertainment....a it and fun kiis zone... anddmuch much - starts at 100a-mmat the baltimore convention centee. weell see you there! 3 coming uu... p33 140-students ssnt hhmm... for being sick.where it happened... and the problem... - being detecced. & 3 harlem shake nats nats3 and itts the dance... ttat's all over the internet. this one is out of louisiina... but wait until you see wat happees when a ggoup from ábaltiioreá takes on the "harlem shakee" you're watching fox 45 mornnng newss. all local.. all morning. --3 3& ((breaa 2))
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3 new ttis orning... a norovirus ouubreakkhits a massachusetts school...'s happening t a starting next week... the -3& school will be closed ffr vacaaiin... so custooians will -3 be sent in to dootop-to-bottom pleannng. p3 p meteorite hits russia... setting off you're seeingghere... it leftt behind a trail of smoke in the sky.weere hearing reports that been injured by brokenn &pglass... and that a factory was heavily least 3 in serrous condition. 3 astronomers aree glued tootheer telesscpes and stariig ssyward as large asteroiis are predicted to make a verr close trip past are naaa radar images of the 150-meter diaaeeer rock is &pgoing to pass so close to earth today it'll be ven closer than some satellites.
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but nasa says &pthere's nooneed to woory, he asteeood will definitely not hit the globe. assronomers ssy that's a good size would cause an eeppooion equivalentt o two-and-a-half megatoo bomb. 3 taco bell is getting eady to roll outta ásecondá taco shell... mmde of doritos.thii -33 time... the faat food ccain -3 will start ssllging thh "cool rannh" version.taao ell &preleased the nacho-cceess verssio in 2012... and since -33 then... its's become one of exppcted to hit stores next mmntt. 3 commnggup... 33& passengers aboard a cruise ship... crippled at sea... are finalll back on dryyland..tee did... once getting off the 3 kkow about me nats nats and we'rr giving away ttckets to see beyoncee.. live in concert.all you have - to dd is lisseenin for your cue to call... someeime this hour.yyu're watchinn foo 45 mmrniig
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news.. all local.. all mornnng. 3 ((break 3))
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3 president delivered hii state of tte union address this weekk 3 term. in it, he llid out a series of proposals to continue oogrow he economy
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jobb ... all without increasing the ddficit y a single dime. he also - pouched on the war in afgganistan and his commitmmnt americc. williams, joins us live viaa skype for this week's - washington wrra.-he talked aboot a lot of things .. but 3 the biggest focus was on -3& reiggiting america's economic & growth ... which he ayss centers around a thrivinn middle class-part of his plan - is to raise the
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3 minimum agg ... which for businnsses-another pprt of president's plan is
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33 about affordabbe education ... universsl pre-school ... aii not increase .. not bigger government, but smarter-he talked about d vooding the sequestration scheduled for and social ecurity-he is in pommreeensive tax - 3 3 3 weere getting ready to draw anotherrname... in our 3 winner didn't this next person will have a shot pttá200-doolars.á3 listen in for your namee..
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nnxt. &p3 ((megan ive tease)) 3 3 ((break 4)) hey, what are you drinking? i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm drinking dunkin'. i'm just in love with the flavor. i get mine black. i don't want to take away from that pure taste. so smooth, no bitterness. it's awesome. there's no other taste like it. america runs on dunkin' coffee.
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3 an outer space event..ow maryland was watching a close & enkcounter with an steroid. on fox 45 news aa five 3& ary giveeway! giveawwy!!veryyay in februarr - we're
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givinn away 100- dollaas hour.óóóóóó oo have 30 minuttssto call us at the & nuuber on your screen. &pssreen.if you don't call in.. your prize rools ovvr into tte next hour forrsomeone else to wii! 3 box.. go toofacebook dot com slash foxbaltimore and fill out tte can also go there to read complete contest &prules. 3 3 3
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& ap shwannmap
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33 bbltimoreecity 3peaders are looking eeerywhere for ways to fix theewoeful economic outlook. and noo they're lookiig in your trash. a ttash ickuu fee is the newess idea coming out offcity hall, but residents already
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want to throw ii away. 3 mayor thinks the plan might aatually save residents money overall. & good morning guys.... pust think trash... noo the mayor is asking ... how mucc is this worth? the - mayor floated the idea earlier thissweek during her state oo &pthe ciiy address . it's a proposallthht is stunningg many city residents, buu miggt be oming nonetheless. nnnetheless. up until noo, trash ike this has been picked up by thh ccty as part 3& the city, like snow removal fee for the weekly serviie could actually help esiddnts. 3 property taxes, like non- proffts. and that savings would be uued to lowerrthe cityys prooerty tax rate, -3 which is the highesttin the region. he can't say & now how much thh fee wwuld be..she says detailssof the plannare coming soon. residents we spoke with can't
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imaggne how it would work. 3 (mmcauley) "shh's - dooble-dipping. they frown on people.. why is she taking two times out of my pocket for trash!"(ssottt "what i'' aakinggmy citizens and all the & cittzens toodo is wait until we the ouncil gee the full details so that we an fully undeestand exactly what the for.stacey says - "people out in the coonties pay for trashh pick-up. oh aad we also ppy property taxes! soo heads up city sllckers, some olkk ppyy both property taxes anddtrash removal in some secttons of the surrounding countiie!" 33 the mayor did say 3 yesterday.. that sse'll have more details on ow the plan pill work.. next week. 3 passengers aaoard the carnnval
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triumph are backk n dry 3 sea.passengers finally & pisembarked late last night... after four days of misery... with many of them leaving in pathrobesstwo women eaving phh ship were so happy to be bbck on land... that they got on their knees and kissed thee ground. many passengers say... they're noo angry... - pust happy oobe home. 3&pgreat to finally be back in americaa and on and. the crew was grrat... i an't say enough about them... (are you - aanry at all?? not angry... i'' just so happyyto be home... really."(anchor tag) tag)carnival's c-e-o said he boarded theeship to personally - the wretched conditions. carnival will now take the 3 por repairs. 3 whill the experience was tough for many passenggrs... ssme peoppe.take aalook at this together using life preeerrers. ittseems they tried to makee
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the most of it! intervieweddright after he got off the ship... says he'd most certainly go on another cruise -3 again. 3here comes the bbide.our wedding in a week couple will becomm husband and wife today... and they're doing ii live on our morning show. ssow.we want to check in now with meeaa illiland... she'ss - at ggey rock mmasion in pikkesille... where preparationn are underwaa for -3 their big day. 3 3
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33 3 it's the 3 interret's newesttmeme... and apparentll... one neww team in -3 looisiann couldn't help but try it out. out.harlemmshhke nats & nntsthis is the ttam 3 from ""-s-l-aa
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n 3 3 one of oor viewers posted 3 this video to ourrfacebbok ppgg.. of somm baltiiore eemloyees... some balttmoree facebook page.. of this video to ouu viewees posted one of one of ur ,3 vvewwrs posted this viieo to our facebookkpage.. of ome baltimore employees... getting theer shake on. nats 3 - showing off theirr avenss super ,3&pbowl pride! 3 coming uu...
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3 if your name is ashley small... you have less thhn 20 mintues left oocall... to claim your 300-dollars in ur preeeruaay contest. cooteet.rememberr.. if you'ree calling about beyoncee-3 tiikets... ww haven't dooe the contest yet.that's happennig later this houu... so liten inncarefully..ou're watching fox 45 morning 3 nees.. all local.. all 3 p(break 5))
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logistt) -3
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3 3 p3 -3
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3 -3 3 3 3 3 3 3beyonce fans...
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3 listen up..- uppwe're giving away tickets to the show... sometime in the nexx 20 minuues.but ádon't & pcll nowá... we''e still "freebruary contest."liiten in ccrefully... for 3yoor cue.youure watching fox 45 morning neess. all local.. all morning.
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an infant found dead in a silver ssring -3 aaartment will be laid to rest next wwek. funeral services
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for larissa yanesswill be held thhrsday at saint camilluu catholic church. thh girlls -3 14-year--ld brother is charred with her murder. police say he admitted to beating his sister while baby-sitting hee covered her mouth and ose -3 wiih his hands... whhn she sttrted rying. 3 meddcal xaminers have -& posiiively identifiid the body of former l-a police officer christopher ddrner. say kiiled four people aad -3 wounded three others in a vendetta against pplice. 3 jjst two days after a shootout, standdff and ire at a cabin in the mountains east of los angeles where dornee was. his remains were identified through dental records ddring an autopsy. p3 south african superstar runnerr oscar pistorius is one of the latesttsports heeoes to amputee has been charged with the murder f his girlfriind anddnow he's yet anooher nike posterchild to recennly take a &pnegative dive in the puulic image. 3 this morning toryydunnan is llve from washinggon wwth more. more.good morning, tony.
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3 tory live on cameraa- big name, big talent athletes tend to get hiih owerrd endorsements. one of the ost ccveeed s from nike. but when sporrs stars get in trouble, pt causes major headaches for image anddfinances. take when it comes o the blade runner, a nike addnow takes on a new nd really quite unfortunate meannng. it seems the company has pulled the ad from their website. so far pnke has released statement &pbut not specifically abbutt - pistorius. --vo-- ere's quickklookkback -- t others. in october 2012, nike pulled its contract with lancc armstrong, long efore his confession. the company still pllnned to support live-strong iniiiatives. also remember pichael vick. nike issued a - cruelty to animals was -3 unacceptablee the relationship
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was sevvred. but afterrhe served hhsstime, nikk signed him uppagaii --tory liveeon cameea-- and wwen you think of nikk, tiger woods mmght come wiih the golfer eeen after a sex scandal sent shhckwaves coming up... it's the moment -3 you've been waatinggfor alll 3 tickets to see beyonce ive in concert... ss next.áyou're watching fox 45 morning news.. all llcal.. all morning. happy valentine's day. i never knew he liked me. we'd have to keep it quiet. or we could just tell h.r.
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happy valentine's day. it would never work. try the new brownie batter donut. get any six donuts for $3.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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she's in a meeting, could you call back in 15? -- not now. nope, no. sorry, love to but can't. i'm sorry, she's very busy. enjoy the rich taste of dunkin' mocha lattes and coffees. now in dark chocolate. indulge in one today. america runs on dunkin'.
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33 superstar is coming to ouu area.beyonce will perform at the verizon enter in washington dc ttis summer and - canddcc is here with with mmre on the show and se alsoohas a pair offpasses to give away to yoo.this is massivee ees...tte & phones in our control room have been ringing likk crazy ttis morningbeyyoce was &pooiginally scheduuee for a show n july 29-tt..thht show sold out in minutes.she just added another show for july 30-th nd tickets go oo sale through live nation at 10-am beyoncees hits all week long.. of course verybody knows this &ponee & 3 single ladiess- ladiesthat is single 3& ladies."it peaked attnumber one on the u-s billboard hoo certified quadruple-platiinm.
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digital copiis worldwide beccming one of the - time worldwide 3 let's take it backkin time a little bit with "crazy in love". 3 nats crrzy in love love 3 that's thh grammy award - winnnng hit "ccazy in p003... but it is stiil a favorite around here.this is a solo artist in the 3 100 chart for eight consecutive weeksthe rest is -3 hissory... aa a solo artist, beyonce as sold more han 13 states and ovee 75 million records wooldwide, making her &pone of the best-selling mussc --33 prtists of all time 3 beyooce will be at the verizon
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center in washiigton dc on july 0-th.tickett go n sale through live nation t 10 o- clockkthis morning. 3 we want o get you into tte phhw for nation sent the 10-th calllr riggt now at 410-48114545 winssa pair of ticketss 3 coming up in our 7 3 o'clock hour... 3 keep more moneyyin your wallet. & what you can do ánowá shave dollars off yyur energy &'re watching fox 45 - morring.
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& 3& "there's teachers wwlking 3 bandageda nasty fights breaks out in a minnesota higg school! haapened riggt before the huge pelee broke out! p3&pso far,,so good....- pood...and heenasty name this t-v meterologist blurted out mistakee.while giving 33 3 3 friddy, february
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3 155 3 3 3
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3 baltimore residdnts ppy a painfully highh roperty tax... 3& mayor now wants to charge a -3& fee for trash pick--p. joel d. smiih is live ii nooth baltimore with reactionntoothe idea, ann to eeplain what the - maaor hhpes the idee wiil -accomplish. good morning guys..... moss people look at this and - just ttink trash... now the mayor is asking ... hhw much - is this worth? the mayor ffoated the idea earlier this week during her state of the city ddress . itts a proposal ttat is stunning many citt residents, but might
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nonntheless.. up ntil noww trash like this has been 3 of the services providee by & the city, lke snow removal and fixing pottholes. ut now the mayor says tte roposee fee for the weekly servicc could actually help residdnts. &p the fee could be charged to those not currently paying profits. and that savings would be used tt lower the city's property tax rate, which is the highest in thee 3 now howwmuch the ffe would be..sse says details of the plan are oming soon. think those specifics willl change thhir miids. 3 (ms. brennan/residentt "and what happens if you neighbors don't pay the fee? arr you going to sit in their garbage oo is it going ttobe like a -3 regreesiveetax, that's basically a propprty taa. i think that's outraggous." rraction from acebook...... ed says "so stupid! yee another ax/fee for baltimore.. who voted for these idiotss? this sswwat you get!!"
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p,3 3 ome other reas do pay a separate fee for trash, as &ppell as property axes... 3 phat she'll have more details 3 next week. 3 baltimore police have identified the officee who shot a olice trainee in the ead tuesday. 3 william s. kern was aassgned ass n instruutor in phe education and training pection when heefired his training sessioo earlier this week. thhetrainee & remmins in the hospiial. veteran hassbeee ssspended &pwith five other officers from the academy. experts -3 pay his may indicate a syssematic problem wwthin the baltimore police ddpartment. - 3 p gooernnr martii o'malley is urggng llwmakers
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-3& to pass a measure that would repeal theedeath penalty in & maryland. o'malleyy capiial punishment uring senate juuiciary committee & hearing oo tursday ... cclling it iiaccurate,,costly and raacally biased. instead he wwntsslawmakers to suppprt a masure ttaa makks -3&pliff without the possibility -& of parole the staae'ssmoot severe punishment. suppooters of the death penalty say ttat apital && unishment should still be an &&pootion for individuals ho &pcommit he worst of crimes. defenseesecretary leonn aneeta may not be leaving offiie today as planned. chuck hagel is going through a difficult nomination process and faces uncertain outcome with the senate's expectee vote today. democrats ppre trying to breakka potential g-o-- filibuster of -3 tte defense secrettry nominee. & paanetta says he will stay onnuntilla defense & and if necessarr hh will brussels next weee. 3 a spokann washington meteorologiit.. ii getting shh mispoke about the vallntine's ay forecast.
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far, so good... slowwand slutty..slutty? sttady - sseady 3 phatt s k-rre-m meterologist dannelle grant....aving an - during her vallntine's day forecast.theeslip of the tongue hhs since gone viral. 3 today is the big 3 day!our edding ii a weekk will say "i do""live on ouurshow. show.megan gilliland ii at grey rock mansionnin preparatioos are underwayy-33 3
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33 -3 3400-dollars could be yours! -3 pours!we'rredrawing another 3 33 3 morning. local.. all morniig -3 nnws.. all watching fox 45 yoo''e
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3 it's ouu free-bru-ary giveaway! -3 giveaaay!!veryday in february we're giving away 100- dollarss &pan hour. hour..33 óóóóóó you ave 30 mmnutess o call us at the nnmber on your creen.
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& your prize olls over iino the next hour for someone else to win! win!to gettyour name in the -3 box.. go to facebboo dot com slash ffxbaltimore and ffll fill out the can also go ttere to read ccmplete & contest ruues. 3&pin the market ffr a washer and dryer? dryer?the paaticullr appliances you need to look ffo.. to purchaae tax free, & teachers walking rounddyou know freshlyybandagedd--3 bandaaedand...the event ttat sparked a ugeefight... at a - minnesota highhschool..
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,3 3 new hhs mmrning... friends aan family gather to rememberr jennnfer conyers... a
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baltimore woman found murdered pn her home last week.a funerrl was held yesterday... at sharp streettmemorial united ethodist church..- conyers was ound dead friday in a house fire on high gate drive in northhest aatimore. police say she was tied up with eeeetriccl cords andd with her murder. policc say the two met oo a dating website montts ago. 3 medical examiners have positively identified the body of former l-a police officcr phristopher dorner. 3 man authorities say killed - foor people and wounded three others in a venddtta against police. the announcement cooes just tto &psttndoof and fire at a cabin in the mmoutains east f los angells wwereedorner was. -3 records duuing an autopss. 3 if yyu thought the fiscal cliff was the end of washingtoo's manuuactured crisis .... guess aaain. - the sequester is cooing up nexttand booh democratssand rreublicans arr warning thhy &pmay not be able to ssop his
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mmre on owwmuuh it will &peffect you. - 3 3--repprter ppg-as ffllows--iff & youu'e not a fan of securrtt liiee at he airport... listen uu.the sequester could make thee longer... perhaps hours longer."i ust tink our --&ppoliticcins need to get & together and figure out hat 3 ttat's when he sequester kicks in... resulting in more than a trillion dollars in &pmandaaory... across the board 3&pcongress and theepresident agrred to it all... as a ay tooescape the debt ceiling crisii of 2011."seriouu cuts at aaiports, seaportt..."atta hearing... aa sew of prrsident obama's cabbnet seeretarres &pwarned hat's coming."tte dammge here woold be iireparable. iiwish i hhd a - pagic wand to waae. simppl &pdon't have that."in adddtiin tt thooe tsa cutt creattng 3linee... the department of homelaad security may have to lose the equivalent of 5000 education cutss.. 70 thousand children could be
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-3 kicked out of heed start programs for low income families..nd the pentagon may 33 defense workerss"weemight as well just pack up and go home, pecause if we're just going o have across-the-board cuts, what is the oint f our beeng here?"while emocraas and moderate republicans want to & slam on he sequester brakes... some connervatiie lawmakers & are cheering on the cuts."not & onll should theesequesterr stand; many punddts say tth sequesser is far hhrt, that we need $4 trillion in cuts." congress ann the white house &pweee able to postpone thh -& to avert theefiscal cliff.but top republicans caution ddn't expect anothhr delay.""here 33 this one. the days of 11th hhur nneottations aae over.. house speaker john boeener said if emoccats are so wwrriedd.. they shoull comm uu & sequester is there because the president insisted that ittbe phere."it was ashington's grreting...sealed
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with a kiss. ssnaae demmcrats have come up 3 don't like the plannbecause it inclldes new tax increases. to wook something outt but once aggin, it's a game of acosta cnn washhngton." -----end-----cnn.script----- --kkyword tags--democrats solu college student one new jersey colleeg student saw a need... &pand created he buuiness to &pit.the special erviceehe students.. in a pinnh. and next..the appliances... you 3 weekend. ou're watching
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if you're in the
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3 market for new appliances .. yyu're in uck. this weekend, you get a tax break ccmptroollr peterrfrnaahot pjoiis uu his morning witt weekend."-what's ppanned for pwhicc appliances
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3 apply 3 -only this weekked-why doess the state do this's been three yyars 3 -do you get a lot of response
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3 3 3 3 parll hrriion...we'rr waiting for your call! call!you could have 400 extra 33 to the next hour.stay tuned to see how it all unnoldss uufolds!!- 3 an outer space event..ow maryland was watching a close
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& enkcounter with an steroid. on fox 45 news aa five
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3 -wiaw...pikessille 3 -erica and arthur
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3 say i do live in just about a 3 3 3 3&
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3 3
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33 3 the passengeesof the carnival &ptriumph are ack on dry land...thii morning. morning.after five ddys of power outages aad unssnitary condiiiins ...many are relleved ... while others are & annoyed.before passengers dissmbarked n alabama, the c-e-o f carnival offered an apology. 3& "i know t was veryydifficult, & and i wanna apologize again foo subjeeting oor guestssto & hat. we pride oorselvessin provvding oorrguusts with a great vacation experienne and a lot of unhappp people because f the conditioon and how it went downhill from the ooer somewhere around 100
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boat for that long ann not 3 ggtting back and it was so 3& back."many passengers say the - put in thh people. 3 a judgg deniid foomer nne leopold'ssmotton for a ew & triaa. retireddcirruit court judge deenis weenny saas the request waa ithout merit. sweeney convicted -3 llopold of mmsconduct in pffice last mnth, and eooold 3 scheduled to be sentenced mmrch ii the deadline for candidates to apply ffo the acant ounty executive position. the u-s naval academy has announced a new &pfoo the day to day conduct aad -3 traiiing of midshipmen. - thurrday .... the academy said captain bill byrne illl midshipmen. bbrne will be responsible for the military
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and prooessiinal deeelopment of mooe thann4- phousand sttdents. -3 robert ccark the second ... who will leave the caddmy in -3 the spring. george zimmerman's llwyer is baak in ccort askingg for a delay in his immunitt trial scheduleddfor april. -3 3 thuusday jjdge debra nelson says ittwould -3 take quote "extreme circumstances to grantta &pdelay" ... but she would ponsider adding zimmerman's - immunity hearinn to is june 110th urder ttial.. deeeene attornny markko'mara piil get to argue that duriig week. 3 ""hht's the most i've evee asked for at this time. but we have so much preetrial publiiity in this cass,,ttat it's going to taae a lot oo jurors to get to thoseewho have noo only heard about it, but can set asideethose who have hearrdabout it.. and that's going to be hh reallissue.. pisue." attorneyy from - bott ssies also asked oo a juryypool of 5-hundred peeple for he econd degree murder ttial that'll begin in june. 3classes reeume todaa aa a high pchooo innminnesota after policeeuueddmace to break up
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an all out braal.ooficers saa it started s a ffod fight 3 involving hundreds oo students. police respondee and say --3 students evve pelled them with & items. hat'sswhen twoo officers shot mace intt the & ir ringing the mmssive fight & o an end. 3 --sot--"there's teacherr walkiig around you know freshly bandaged. ppople with ice pckss n thhir ffaes. --3 mman it'''sschhos." butted "at thh eight of the incident & we haddbetween two and three huudred students invoovvd -3 aativelyyin alterrations" alteecations"meeics rushed - five people, including threee -3 students and two staff members & 15 others were treattd at he scene. his way to beeoming a successful entrepreneur at 19-yearr-old. 19-years-old. kylee mcccbe started his own condom deliveey businees called "condam" ... which is short -33& after he gets a call, text, or email yle puts on a helmet with a flashhnn light and
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delivers conddms within -33& 5-minutes to whoeverrwants onn po is college ampus. 3 " i went arounddasking for this, i got a good 3 trying to rrtect peoole whh mmkk a certaan choice for & lves studdnts can buy a condom for 3 ucks or 10 ffrr & 15 dollars. kkle says weekends are te busiest.. 3 here comes the 3 pridd..ur wedding in a weekk coupll will become husband and pife today... and they're doing ittliveeon our morniig ssow..- show.weewant to check in now with megan gilllland... she's pikesville... where -3 ppeparations are underway fr their big day..-& 3
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3 3& it's frrdaa and that means 3 ourrfacebooo page about anythinggyou want.
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want.let us know what's onn your mind-- and your response -3 cooud air ii our "facebook feedback" seementt segment.just go to faccbook dot com slaah foxbaltimore to - becomm a fan and joon the cooversation. 3 pore flurries on the ay? way?wwich day you ccn eepect it .. this weekend.. and ow long it'ss ticking around!nextt watthing ffo 45 morning news.. 3 ((break 55)
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i'm drinkin' dunkin' k-cup packs. it's my coffee when i want it. you press a button you have great dunkin' coffee. i got my coffee for the morning, i got my dunkin' k-cup packs for the rest of the day. only available at dunkin' donuts restaurants. america runs on dunkin' coffee. 3&p((bump in)))-& 3 a speetacuuaa moment... ccught oo cammra.a gllcier in & argentina... collapses!you see it just rrmble into the water -3below.there were aaout 0 to & 30 touristt.. whhn t -3 happenndd.. backkonnjanuary - 119h.ddn't worry,,they were was injured. &p3 p(ttss to weather))
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3 &p3&p((ad lib meteorologist)))-
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3 3 -3
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3 the b-more --3 healthy expp eturns to healthy expo 3 returnn toobaltimore... saturday, ffbruary 22rd. can get health -3 scrrenings... see 3 stages of áliveá eettrtainment... a fit and funnkiid zone... and much much more. more.the b-more healthy expo ssarrt at 10 a-m at the baalimorr conventionncenter. we'll see you theree 3 ssiil ahead... &'s ime... to let it all out.tell uu whht you''e thinking about... and your response might air in our facebook feedbaak segment. peement.caal harrison didn't
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&pfreebrrary jackpot ssuppto 550-dollars!we're drawing anotherrname in about 45 chancc tt calll you're -3 watching fox 45 morning news.. 3 happy valentine's day. i never knew he liked me. we'd have to keep it quiet. or we could just tell h.r. happy valentine's day. it would never work. try the new brownie batter donut. get any six donuts for $3.99. america runs on dunkin'.
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she's in a meeting, could you call back in 15? -- not now. nope, no. sorry, love to but can't. i'm sorry, she's very busy. enjoy the rich taste of dunkin' mocha lattes and coffees. now in dark chocolate. indulge in one today. america runs on dunkin'. animaaion)) 3 it's friday... and that means it's ime for fox45 viewers to sound off about anything you 3 3 we''e bbee asking you all porning to let s knowwwhat's on your minddfor our áfacebook feedbacká segment... &psegmmnt...gerod says... "if they would noo have cutt then we would not be so biased on the proposed trash fee." fee."melissa says... "no mmil delivery on saturdays? is there nything we can do to ccangeethat." that."chrissina says... "spring!" "still ffeling ravenous. we'rr the chaar cittychamps, and
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deserveethe right to feel - ravenouu and to sport purple &&peveryday of the week for the nexx yyar." 3 amaada says... "half pricee valenttiee day candy today!" today!"jackie says.... "life - & you're ordially invited to & see rica and arthur say "i & do" on fox45 mmrning newss news!up neet...we're speaking with the person who will make the ddy.. a little sweeter.. all their prrcioussmomenns.. watching fox 45 morning news.. ((break 7))
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3 it's time to meee the arthur''s wedding..the caker maker and the videographer. megan illiann ssliieein piiesville hi megan.
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3 3 3 3 3 hi megan.
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ccming up in our 8 ooclock pour.. & tte jackppttis worth 500- dollars!!!get that dialing finger readd!that visa giftcard could have our namee &pall over it!we'reedrawiig you're watching fox 45 & morning news.. all ocal.. all [ harry umlaut ] here we go. [ sally umlaut ] what? the five stages of
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muller. ah yes... stage one: suspicion. "it's a yogurt how good can it be?" stage two: revision. "actually, this ain't bad." stage three: surprise! "look at this cool cornery thing! i love this stuff!!" stage four: desolation. "it's gone!" stage five: anticipation "i guess i could always have another"... "have you been through the five stages of muller yet?" "yeah, just now." [ male announcer ] muller. the european for yummy.
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3 a well-known t-v personaliiy... getting mysterious phone calls.the
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familiar umber... thaa'ss registered to someone katie -3 couric knew well. 3 "i don't need to ttll you mr. speaker, ttat zombies don't recognize borders..." borders..."preparing... for the worst-case scenario.the disaster drill that ssarked a debate between lawmakkrs. 3 3 3 friday, februury 15th 3 3 15th
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3 it's our ffee-bru-ary giveawayy 3 we're giving away 100- dollars an hour. óóóóóó you have 30 minutes to
8:02 am the nnmber oo our scceen. screen.if you don't call in.. your prize rollssoverrinto thee next hour for sommone else to win! win!to get your name in the box.. o to facebook dot om slass foxbaltimore and fill out the form.foxbaltiiore and slash facebook dot com in the box.. gooto to et your nme in the boxx. go to facebook dot cco slash foxbaltimorr and fiil out the can also go there to read complete rules. 3 3
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3 3 p baltimore residents pay a painfully high property tx... mmyor ow wats to charge a fee for trash pick-up. tom rodgers is here with reaation to tte idea... along with your other top stories. ptories..- 3 he mayor floated the idea eerller this week during &pherrstate of the city address . .. up until now, trash this has been picked as part of thh services provided by the city... like now removal and pixing pot holes. the fee could be charged to thooe not currennly paying property 33 the mmyor says that savingg
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would e sed to lower the city's prooerty tax raae... which is the highhst in the region. she can't say be... she says etails of the &pplan re coming soon. pesiients we spoke with don't change their minds..- 3 (ms.. bennan/residentt "and what haapens if yyu neighbors don'' pay the fee? are you going to sit in their garbage or is it oing to be like a regressiveetax, that's -basically a prroerty tax. i think tat's outrageous." outrageous."here's more reaction from facebook..... ed sayss"so stupid! yet anooher taxxfeeefor baalimore. pho voted for ttese idiots?? ttis isswhat you get!!" &p3 a 49-year-oll man is facing - several charges... aftee being accused of exposing hhmself to shoppers at the mall in columbia. columbia.howaad county police released these surveillance receivvng reports of a man eeposing himsslf nnar the food pourt area... whiie followingg aamall worrer made a similar reporr... anddoffiiers arrested sttven lerer of burtonsville.hees harged withh
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tto counts of innecenn exxosure. 3 aajudge denied former anne arundel county executive john leopold's mooionnfoo a new trial. retired circcit court jdge dennis sweeney merit. sweenee convicttd & leopold of misconduct in offfcc last monnt, and eopold resigged ayy later. e is & scheduled to be sentenced march is the deadline for candidatts to apply for the vacant county executtve position. 3 maryyand has settlement with toyota mmtor corporation. attorney general doug gansler ... along wwth 29 other & aatorneys general announced the settlementton thursday. - the seetlement -3 peferred to allegations that toyota concealed safety ttyyta has also agreed too provide additional restitution and incentivessto vehicle owners for ooher unintenddd saaety recclls. 3 onn of the companies invvlved &in the 2010 oil spill in the & gulf of mexico... pllads guilty to criiinal charres..-&pyesterday... transocean
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deepwater incorporated admitted to llegal connuct leaddng up to the disaster. an explosion aboard an oii rig kkllld 11 people and sent approxiiatell 205 million gallons f oil spiiling inno the ull of mexico.the compann has beeensentenced o ay 400-million dollars in criminal fines aad penalttes. 3 the senate intelligenceecommmttee is postponing its vote on john -& brennan's confirmation as c-ii a director. he vote was planned for ttday, but senator dianne feinstein says senate rrttrns froo its recess at the end of the month. feinsteii adds that more issues and questions need to be resolve on booh sides of 3 rand paul says eeis prepared to put a old on he nominaaion if he doesn't get answers about targeted killings with rones... whichh has also een a hot opic durrng brennan's connirmatton. 3pzombies took center tagg wednesday attcanada's hhuse of commons.government leaders in
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quebec debated holding a exeecise next week... to teet emergency preparrdness. canada'ssforeign affairs - minister assured laammkers that the houss of commons is zombie-free zone. 3 "under the leaderssip of this never become a safe haven for zombies evvr (clap)." --3 3 officiaas eventualll decided to cancee thh ombie-themed drill... because they worriedd phe training exeeciie would lose its seeious focus. the pnw ssenario will simulate flooding..- 3- flooding. 3
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3 today s the big megan -&pgillilanddis aa grey rock megan gilliland is on our show. phow.will say "i dd" live &pprica nd arthur... week couple... our wedding in a weee couple... erica and 3 on our shhw. ssow.megan gilliland is att grey rock mansion in pikesville rrght now... where preparations re underway. 3
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3 -3& 3 3 3 coomng up... hollywood week... is history. & hiisory.a local american idoll contestant tells us about thee highs and lows he's facing... behind theescenes. 3
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3 you're watching foo 45 morning news.. all local.. all mooning. 3 ((bump oot))
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3 3 the bbmore & healthy expo returns to &pbaltimore... saturray, february 23rd. can get health screeningg... see 3 stages oo áliveá enterttinment... a fit and fun kids zzne... and much much more.the b-more healthy expo starts at 10 a-m aa tth baltimore convention centerr.- coming up... get ready to fox455comedian greg morton joins us in studio to taak aaout his appearance... t the baltimore commdy factory. 3 singing... for surrvvaala hollywood week gives us the inside scoop... on his amerrcan idol experience. news.. aal local.. all morning. -3 3 (((reak 2))
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new honey bunches of oats greek yogurt and whole grain. here we go. honey cornflakes and chunks of greek yogurt. i'm tasting both the yogurt and the honey at the same time. i'm like digging this yogurt thing. i feel healthy. new honey bunches of oats greek.
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as the campaign to legalize marijuana nationwide gains momentum and the fear of teens having greater access to it increases more people are speaking out why introduce another legal substance when we're already having a hard time with our currently legal ones? why are people so willing to medicate themselves? what pain are they running from? exploring the unintended consequences of legalized marijuana. on "the 700 club" friday at 10:00 a.m.3 pll morning.
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& 3 ((break 2)) 3 ((break 2))
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3 & 3 comiig up... 9-1-1 operators get several ssrange phone 3 the nummer... really belongs to. & p3 ii's fuuny friday.stay tuued... as comedian greg - morton jjois us in studio. you're watthinggfox 45 morring 3 (((beak 3))
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she makes things fun. she can be silly, which embarrasses my sister, but i love it. sometimes she lets us pick out stuff we love, like sunnyd. she likes that it has vitamin c, b1, and 40% less sugar than most regular soda brands. my brother doesn't care about that. he just loves the taste. so do i. ♪ make today a sunny day. ♪♪
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3&p(((ump in)) 3 ((bump inn) p& he is a man with 3 he is a mannwith many faces... &pand he will be sure to keep theelaughs cooing in. 3&ppomedian grrggmooton joins us thhs morning ffr ffnny friday. expect from you tonnght t the -baltimore comedy factory?-
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wherr do yoo get
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3 thissstuff?- what else can we pee his weekend? peekend? fox baltimore dot com slash mornnng. p3 coming up... the paasenners of the carnival triummh rrturn to pry and. - they're exppessing this
8:30 am're watching fox 455 mooninggnews.. aal looal.. all &pmorning. 3 ((break 44)
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3 ((openn) 3 -3 3 ((open)) 3 33 p
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& p 3 p33 175 3955maa
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3 3 baltimore city baltimore ciiy leaddrs are loooing everywhere for ways to fix the woeful ccnomic 3 fee is the newest ideaacoming out of city all. tom rrdgers has more n why the mayor thinns tte plan might - accually save residdets mooeyy overall... aloog with your pther top stories.. 3 the mayor floated tte idea earlier this week during her state offthh city address .
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.. p until now, trash ick-up provvded by the ciiy... like snow removal and fixiig poo hhlee. the mayors feee proposal ould nnllde not currently ppying property mayor claims the onee would 3 property tax rate... which is tte highhst in the region. she also said yesterday.. thaa she'lllhave more dettils on how theeplan will work.... pext week. 33 passengers aboard the carnival -3 triumph rr back n ddy & land... days after a fire left ptheirrship cripppld at sea. ssa.passengers finally disembarked late last nighh... afttr four days o misery... with manyyof them leaaing in bathrobes.two women leeving the ship were so happy to be backkon land... they got on groond. many passengers just happyyto be home. &ppenkins says: "i'm -& speechless... tts just really america, and on land. the rew wwa great... i ccn't ssy
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enouuh about them... (aae you angry at all?) not angry... i'm justtso happy to be pome... really.""anchor tag) poarded the ship to persooally -3&papologize to passengers for phe wretched conditionn. ccrrivaa will now ttke the ship to a epaar facility... to begin assesssng thh vessell a mystery caller is plaguinn t-v hoot katie 3 calls wereemmde to 9-1-1 from a phhne line tracingg ack too couric's phone ine tracing 3 the number is rpootedly & registered to courii'sslltt husband. the & operator taking he call says 3 other end. the & calls usually come in on tuesday's arouud 2 a-m. 3 working wiih he police to pind utt hht's reelly going on. 3&here cooes the bride.our -3 wedding in a week couple will become husbanddand wife ttdaa... and they're doiig it live on our morning show. show.we wantttt check in now with megan gilliland... she's pt grey rock ansion in preparations have been taking place all morning and aapear to be coming together perfectly.
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3 3
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3cominn p nnw at 9... -3 everyone, eeeeyáwhereá... is 3 on... 33& arlem shhke nats natss,3 we'll show you what happens ssake... unneewater.á 3& you're watchinggfox 45 orning morning. & p(
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3 3 ((ad lii meteorologist))
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3 coming up... the processional has & starred... and our brideeis juss minntes awayyfrom walkinn doww tte aisle. aisleeour "wedding in a week" -& starts righh after the bbeak. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all 3 ((break 6))
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3 ((bumm in)) 3 &p3 one week ago they found out & they were getting married átodaa.áit's all come down to &pthis moment.our bride erica is aaouttto alk doon the aisle. & weekk.. staars now. 3 week".. starts now.
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3 pdn't gg anywhhrr... erica and arthur will exchanne rings and saa their voos.. right after the reaa. 3 you're watching fox 45 &pmorniig. &p((break 7))
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as the campaign to legalize marijuana nationwide gains momentum and the fear of teens having greater access to it increases more people are speaking out why introduce another legal substance when we're already having a hard time with our currently legal ones? why are people so willing to medicate themselves? what pain are they running from? exploring the unintended consequences of legalized marijuana. on "the 700 club" friday at 10:00 a.m. 3 love is in the air! - air!erica nd arrhhr arr boot to exchange vws.our weediig in a weee continuus rrght now. - right now.
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3 & 3 3 pight now.
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3 stay tuned....erica and arrhur & pill be pronounced man ann wife... and share theirr irstt kiss as a marriee couple.. right after the breakk break!you're watchhng fox 45 morning news.. all loccll. all morning. 3 ((break 8)) [ male a regular guy with an irregular heartbeat. the usual, bob? not today. [ male announcer ] bob has afib: atrial fibrillation not caused by a heart valve problem a condition that puts him at greater risk for a stroke. [ gps ] turn left. i don't think so. [ male announcer ] for years, bob took warfarin and made a monthly trip to the clinic to get his blood tested. but not anymore. bob's doctor recommended a different option: once-a-day xarelto®. xarelto® is the first and only once-a-day prescription blood thinner for patients with afib not caused by a heart valve problem that doesn't require routine blood monitoring. like warfarin xarelto® is proven effective


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